We appreciate your tenancy with us. Renewals letters will be mailed prior to the end of the lease for accounts in good standing. Should the owner elect not to renew, a Notice to Vacate will be sent. The renewal letter will include a new Lease Agreement to sign, along with the new rental amount. Once you have received it, please read, sign, and return it to the Rentals division (Rentals@HendersonProperties.com, Phone: 704-970-4148). If any resident information has changed, be sure to let the staff know, as the lease may need to be revised.
If you decide to terminate your tenancy with Henderson Properties at the end of the current term, you are required by the lease agreement to notify us in writing (called a Notice to Vacate) at least 30 days prior to the end of your Lease term. If you are currently on Auto Draft, your draft amount will change either to the month-to-month rate or to the lease renewal rate, whichever is executed, starting the draft after the last day of your current lease. We must receive a separate written notice for the Accounting Department to discontinue your Auto Draft service. The resident also must abide by all other terms and conditions as stated in the Lease Contract or as directed by the Agent until the lease has officially been terminated.
For any questions about the renewal process, contact a Resident Service Specialist:
Rentals@HendersonProperties.com or call 704-970-4148