Spring Cleaning Tips for a Happy Home

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Spring Cleaning Tips for a Happy Home

clean your home

Is it that time of the year again already? As quickly as spring winds blow away the winter chill, cleaning time approaches. Get ready to crack those windows, break out your finest feather duster, and make your home shine in the sun.  If you’re looking for a few cleaning tips, you’ve come to the right place. We have researched and tested the best spring cleaning methods over the years, and we’re here to share them with you.

  1. Start from the Top and Work Your Way Down

Let’s focus on broad tactics first; cleaning the ceiling and moving down the walls and to the floor will prevent you from having to reclean as you go. As you clean your ceiling, debris will fall downward. Use a vacuum with an extension to reach cobwebbed corners before dusting walls and finally vacuuming the carpet.

  1. The Kitchen and Bathroom Are Priorities

These are likely your least favorite areas to clean, but they’ve accumulated the most grime throughout the winter and are in desperate need of attention.

In the kitchen, start with your refrigerator and get rid of any expired items, then remove everything and wipe down your fridge, inside and out. Remember not to use any harsh chemicals. You can even take the time to vacuum your refrigerator vent to keep it running efficiently. Next, repeat those steps throughout your cabinets.

The bathroom can be approached in a similar way—go through your makeup and medicine cabinets and dispose of expired products. Take the time to clean out your bathtub and replace your shower curtain.

  1. Replace Air Filters

You should be on a schedule for replacing your furnace and HVAC filters, but it can be easy to forget, so take the time to check and see if they can be replaced. If you have an air purifier, make sure the filters in it are also up-to-date.

  1. Vinegar and Water Works Wonders

This chemical-free cleaner is one of the safest and most efficient products. You can easily wipe fingerprints and blemishes from doors or windows, leaving them looking brand new. This also works great for countertops, hard to reach areas, and showers.

  1. Declutter for Your Sanity

We know how quick ‘stuff’ accumulates in the winter. Take the time to remove everything from bookcases and shelves, and then do the same with your closets and dresser drawers. Are there any clothes you haven’t worn since last year? Go ahead and donate them. Anything you don’t enjoy or no longer find useful you can donate. Having clean shelves, manageable closets, and empty table space will help you to de-stress and clear your mind for a fun, productive spring and summer.

If you come across any problems in your home and could use a handyman, be sure to contact our residential maintenance team!

Shelly Henderson
Shelly Henderson
Shelly calls herself a “Charlottean” because her family has been there since her elementary school days. She serves as Henderson Properties’ co-founder, along with her husband Phil, managing the day-to-day operations, social media branding and leadership development. Her different life experiences, both positive and challenging, earned the title to her first book Starting From Scratch. Shelly has a servant’s heart and leads her company with purpose and passion. She is mom to two sons who continue as young adults to make her heart swell.
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