Help Your Home Keep Cool This Summer

The Do’s and Don’ts of Staging Your Home
June 30, 2015
Owner Portals for Rental Property Investors
June 30, 2015

Help Your Home Keep Cool This Summer

2799615_sAre you -and your home- ready for summer? Properly maintaining your home saves money by avoiding costly emergency repairs and gives you more time to enjoy the comfort of the property in a more relaxing fashion. Now is a great time of year to walk around and identify areas that can become problems, or maybe just freshen up its appearance.

Pressure washing the exterior surfaces of your home, along with decks, patios, and outdoor furniture, sets the stage for hours of enjoyment. Applying weather sealants to appropriate surfaces extends the years of enjoyment you can receive, without costly repairs or replacement.

Check the perimeter of your home at ground level. Is the mulch too high?  Make sure the level of soil, mulch and pine needles is low enough to not allow water to intrude into your home by getting behind the siding. Always leave space beneath the siding to avoid problems. Also, inspect the soil under the gutter line. Can you see where water has eroded a line? That is a good indication that rainwater is not moving through the gutter system properly, and overflowing. Keeping your gutters clear of any obstructions can greatly minimize the amount of water cascading down the side of your home, and possibly finding its way inside.

Investigate the seals around your exterior doors. Weather stripping and sweeps not only help in keeping your home cooling efficiently, they also helps in keeping insects outside. Remember, if you can see out, something can get in.

Did you have your heating and cooling system serviced this spring? Lack of routine maintenance to your HVAC will significantly reduce the useful life of your system, resulting in costly repairs and/or replacement. Most homeowners have their systems inspected in the spring and fall. If you have not had your spring servicing performed, contact Henderson Properties to inquire about our “tune-up” specials.
Henderson Properties is one of Charlotte, North Carolina’s most respected real estate firms. We are proud to offer residential maintenance services to the homeowners in our communities through the Henderson Properties Maintenance Division. Our commitment to our customers is to provide them with the best possible level of service, at a fair price. We have a passion for perfection.

We hope that you will let the Henderson Properties Maintenance Team be your proactive partner in handling your preventative maintenance and home repair. We offer complete and affordable maintenance and repair services through our own in-house staff and extensive contractor contacts. Our skilled technicians will provide friendly service and quality and value that can’t be beat, from a company that you know and trust. Let us work together to maintain and preserve the value, beauty, and safety of your home.

Shelly Henderson
Shelly Henderson
Shelly calls herself a “Charlottean” because her family has been there since her elementary school days. She serves as Henderson Properties’ co-founder, along with her husband Phil, managing the day-to-day operations, social media branding and leadership development. Her different life experiences, both positive and challenging, earned the title to her first book Starting From Scratch. Shelly has a servant’s heart and leads her company with purpose and passion. She is mom to two sons who continue as young adults to make her heart swell.
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