Spring Yard Maintenance Tips for Charlotte Home-owners

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Spring Yard Maintenance Tips for Charlotte Home-owners

Spring in Charlotte is a fabulous season. With the (typically) mild temperatures, flowers blooming and birds chirping, it is always nice to enjoy the spring weather in the south.

But with the changing season also comes a whole new list of things to get done around the home and yard. Fortunately, we are here to make sure you remember all of the important Charlotte home maintenance duties that need to get taken care of. A little bit of work in the spring can help ensure that your yard looks great all summer long.

1. Rake
We are well aware that you probably raked your fair share of leaves in the fall, but your yard likely needs another sprucing up now that the winter weather is subsiding. Get rid of any remaining leaves, help control the thatch in your yard and remove dead grass blades from the winter all at the same time.

2. Apply Lime
Yards look their best when the grass has a neutral pH. If moss plants are starting to appear in your yard, then there may be a high level of acidity in your soil. Send off a soil sample to your county so you can get an accurate reading of the acidity, then apply lime as they recommend.

3. Take Proactive Weed Control
If your lawn is one that has issues with pesky crabgrass each year, then preemergent herbicides are a product that you should become familiar with and use. Since crabgrass begins to make its appearance in the spring, applying preemergent herbicides to your yard can help prevent its seeds from germinating.

4. Pull Weeds
April showers bring May flowers, and weeds too. No matter how diligent you are with your lawn care, it is nearly inevitable that you are going to spy some weeds in your yard and gardens. This means it is time to put on your gloves and get to pulling. Not only will this help the weeds from spreading, but it will also give you the satisfaction of seeing a nicely groomed lawn.

5. Get Ready to Mow
One thing is guaranteed – your grass is going to need to be cut this summer. Take a little bit of time in the spring to inspect your lawn mower and other yard tools to make sure you are ready for the task ahead. The last thing you need is a yard full of weeds and tall grass, and no working equipment to get your Charlotte home maintenance done.

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Shelly Henderson
Shelly Henderson
Shelly calls herself a “Charlottean” because her family has been there since her elementary school days. She serves as Henderson Properties’ co-founder, along with her husband Phil, managing the day-to-day operations, social media branding and leadership development. Her different life experiences, both positive and challenging, earned the title to her first book Starting From Scratch. Shelly has a servant’s heart and leads her company with purpose and passion. She is mom to two sons who continue as young adults to make her heart swell.
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