Thanksgiving Ideas for Entertaining

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October 18, 2012
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November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Ideas for Entertaining

That time of year is quickly closing in once again and you probably already have your turkey in the freezer and your invites sent out. Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday when you can spend time with your friends and family enjoying a mouth watering meal and delectable desserts. However, besides food, what can you do to entertain your guests while they are in your home? Here are a few ideas to keep the gathering interesting and fun after you enjoy the food.

  • What Are You Thankful For?– This is the perfect time to play this game and it is a tradition in many families to have each guest tell what it is they are thankful for. You could put a little kick in this game by putting several folded index cards in a bowl for the guest to draw out, one by one. On each card, write a different question such as, “What are you thankful for about your childhood?” or “Truthfully tell what food you were most thankful for here tonight.” This is a great game and is sure to start a lot of interesting conversation.
  • Christmas Decor– Did you know that at least 50% of households in America will put their Christmas decorations up on Thanksgiving night. It is not a bad idea to have your guests help you put up your tree or lights. They will most likely enjoy working together and you will get lots of help with the task.
  • After Dinner Cocktails and Music– After dinner is a good time to try that new cocktail recipe, or maybe even a few new recipes, with your friends. Turn on some classic tunes, mixed with a few popular holiday songs, and who knows, there may even be a bit of dancing.

Who says that the fun of Thanksgiving is only stuffing yourself and your family like a bunch of turkeys? There is no reason that you cannot entertain your guests after the food is eaten and keep the fun going for several hours. These are just a few of the ways that you can do just that.

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